Martes, Marso 15, 2011

I'ts my Life

    Hi!...Im Claire  Orofeo a student from HERCOR COLLEGE taking Bachelor of Computer Science Ladderized. I live at Basiao Ivisan,Capiz. I finish my Elementary Education at Basiao Elementary School.I graduated my Secondary Education at Basiao National High School. I am the youngest in the family. I have two sister and one brother.
   STUDIES serve or delight for ornament and for ability. For delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament is in discourse and for ability is in judgement.
  COLLEGE life is not easy, it gives me a lot of trials and responsibilities for being a student.Im her in school to start the first step of my dreams.And I want to finish my studies. So that I have to reap it with what I plant on and will be the successor for all of the things we are learn and never give up on study.
   HISTORIES make men wise,poet is witty but study is pleasure. Just keep of moving and aim high. May the strengthen the foundation of building sothat we can called ourselves expert someday.
   As much as we want to plan our life,GOD has a way of surprising with unexpected things that will make u happier than you originally planned. Life continues whatever happens,all we need is to be positive and brave with all the challenges we encounter.
  Real blessings often appear in the shape of pains and disappointments,but let us have patience and we soon shall see them in they're proper figures.I believe that the best will happen everyday,trials are gift to make us strong enough to face life and trying times.

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